Engaging a Remote Workforce: Creative Activities for Building Strong Teams

In today's world, remote work has become the norm for many organizations. While the flexibility and convenience are undeniable, maintaining employee engagement can be a challenge. Without the physical office space to foster spontaneous interactions and camaraderie, organizations need to be intentional about creating opportunities for team bonding and morale boosting.

However, despite the challenges, building highly engaged virtual teams is completely possible with the right tools, activities, and mindset. Here are some effective employee engagement activities tailored for a remote workforce:

Virtual Team-Building Activities

  • Online Games and Competitions: Games like trivia, virtual escape rooms, and online Pictionary can foster teamwork and friendly competition. They provide a fun way to break the ice and build relationships.

  • Virtual Coffee Breaks and Happy Hours: Scheduling informal video calls where employees can chat about non-work-related topics can replicate the casual office interactions that often lead to stronger bonds.

  • Remote Team Challenges: Organize challenges such as fitness goals, cooking competitions, or DIY projects. Employees can share their progress and achievements, encouraging a sense of community and support.

Professional Development Opportunities

  • Online Workshops and Webinars: Offering webinars on industry trends, skills development, or wellness topics shows employees that the company is invested in their growth and well-being.

  • Virtual Mentorship Programs: Pairing employees with mentors for regular virtual check-ins can provide guidance, support, and a sense of connection within the company.

Employee Recognition and Rewards

  • Virtual Award Ceremonies: Regularly celebrate employee achievements and milestones through virtual ceremonies. Recognition can include e-cards, shout-outs during meetings, and digital badges.

  • Incentive Programs: Develop programs that reward employees for reaching specific goals or demonstrating company values. These can include gift cards, additional time off, or donations to a charity of their choice.

Leveraging In-Person Gatherings: Team Build & Give Events

When remote teams have the chance to come together in person, making the most of these moments is crucial. One powerful way to enhance these gatherings is through a Team Build & Give event with Wish for Wheels. We’re a nonprofit organization that partners with companies across the country to build bikes for Title I students in their local area, in a unique experience that combines team-building challenges with corporate philanthropy.

  • The Impact of Giving Back: Engaging in a Team Build & Give event allows employees to work together on a meaningful project, fostering teamwork and collaboration. The shared experience of building bikes for children in need not only strengthens team bonds but also reinforces a sense of purpose and social responsibility.

  • Team Building Through Service: Participants work together to assemble bikes, which requires coordination, communication, and cooperation—key elements of effective teamwork. These activities mirror the skills needed for successful remote collaboration, making the lessons learned highly transferable to their daily work.

  • Creating Lasting Memories: Such events create memorable experiences that employees will carry with them long after the day is over. The joy of seeing the students receive their new bikes adds a layer of emotional connection and fulfillment, enhancing overall job satisfaction.

Engaging a remote workforce requires creativity and intentionality. By incorporating a mix of virtual and in-person activities, companies can foster a strong sense of community and commitment. Leveraging opportunities like a Team Build & Give event with Wish for Wheels not only brings teams together, but also makes a positive impact on the broader community. These efforts go a long way in building a cohesive, motivated, and engaged remote team.

To learn more about bringing a Team Build & Give event to your next company meeting, contact us today! 

Wish for Wheels Team

Wish for Wheels transforms the lives of 2nd-grade students in low-income areas, through unique employee engagement team building experiences.


Empowering Kids & Communities by Building & Gifting Bikes


What Giving Bikes to Students Really Means: The Knapp Elementary Story