Empowering Kids & Communities by Building & Gifting Bikes

In every neighborhood, there's a world of possibilities waiting to be explored, and for children, a bike can be the gateway to that world. At Wish for Wheels, we're on a mission to empower Title I communities by gifting brand new bikes and helmets to 7- and 8-year old children. We team up with corporate partners to host unforgettable Team Build & Give experiences, bringing unique team challenges that enhance employee morale, communication, and collaboration while building bikes for these deserving children. 

But it's not just about the bikes themselves; it's about transforming lives and fostering a sense of joy, freedom, and connection in the children we serve together.

Why Gifting Bikes Matters

Imagine a child's smile as they receive their very own bike—a symbol of independence, adventure, and endless possibilities. Gifting bikes goes beyond a simple act of generosity; it's a catalyst for positive change in the lives of children and the communities they belong to.

Impact on the Children You Serve

  • Health and Fitness: Bikes promote physical activity, helping children stay active and healthy while developing lifelong habits of exercise.

  • Education and Exploration: Bikes enable children to explore their neighborhoods, access educational opportunities, and engage in outdoor activities that enhance their learning and growth.

  • Social Connections: Riding bikes with friends and family fosters social bonds, communication skills, and a sense of belonging within the community.

  • Independence and Confidence: Having a bike gives children a sense of independence and self-reliance, boosting their confidence and decision-making abilities.

Impact on the Community

  • Strengthening Community Bonds: Gifting bikes brings families, neighbors, and businesses together, strengthening the bonds that create vibrant and supportive communities.

  • Promoting Sustainability: Biking reduces carbon emissions and promotes eco-friendly transportation, contributing to a cleaner and greener community.

Engage Your Team, Empower a Child 

Since 2004, we’ve been putting together unique bike-building team building experiences that not only energizes your workforce, but also fulfills the dreams of a second-grader. We’ve seen firsthand how philanthropic team building events offer a unique opportunity to boost your ROI while making a tangible difference in your community, and your team.

The best part? We handle all the heavy lifting. From leading your team on the day of the event, finding a local school to gift your bikes, providing the materials and guidance needed, we ensure a seamless and impactful experience for your team. Your team comes together for a day of hands-on engagement, working side by side to build bikes for children who truly need them, then witness the magic that happens as they teach children to ride their new set of wheels.

So, while you're building bikes and making a difference, we're here to support your journey towards stronger employee engagement and meaningful community impact! 

Learn more about scheduling your own Team Build & Give event here.

Wish for Wheels Team

Wish for Wheels transforms the lives of 2nd-grade students in low-income areas, through unique employee engagement team building experiences.


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