The 9 Pillars of Employee Engagement

By now, you probably know that employee engagement is paramount to success in 2024. Employees have shown us over the past few years that they crave connectedness and want to feel purposeful in their work, leading to an explosion of initiatives designed to do just that. And the buzz is with good cause… Engaged employees make organizations better

But how do you know your new employee engagement initiatives are hitting the mark? First off, it’s important to survey your employees regularly to gather their insights and opinions on your initiatives and measure the ties they feel to your organization. 

When thinking about making changes to your existing employee engagement programs or creating new ones, we recommend using the 9 pillars of employee engagement to inform and catalyze your efforts. 

The 9 pillars of employee engagement provide a comprehensive framework to create a positive and motivating work environment.

Here they are, along with suggestions on how to implement them in your workplace:

  1. Values and Purpose (the Why): Clearly articulate the organization's values and purpose. Connect these to the broader impact the company aims to make, and the specific impact of each employee's particular job. Integrate them into decision-making processes, and consistently communicate their importance.

  2. Communication: Foster open and transparent communication. Use various channels for information dissemination, encourage feedback, and ensure that employees are well-informed about the company's goals, strategies, and any changes that may impact them.

  3. Health and Wellness: Prioritize employee well-being by offering wellness programs, mental health resources, and a supportive environment. Promote work-life balance, encourage breaks, and create a workplace that values both physical and mental health.

  4. Workspace/Environment: Design a comfortable and productive workspace. Consider factors such as lighting, noise levels, and ergonomics. Be sure to take individual needs into consideration. Foster a positive work environment that aligns with the organization's culture and values.

  5. Well-defined Roles: Clearly define roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Ensure that employees understand how their work contributes to the overall success of the organization. Regularly revisit and update job descriptions to align with changing needs.

  6. Relationships with Colleagues: Encourage teamwork and collaboration. Work to build an inclusive culture where employees feel connected to their colleagues. Organize team building activities, and create opportunities for social interactions. Our Team Build & Give Events are the perfect way to do this, while adding in a philanthropic layer to your team building efforts. 

  7. Recognition and Incentives: Implement a robust recognition program that acknowledges and rewards exceptional performance. Recognition should be timely, personalized, and aligned with your company's values. It can be as simple as a genuine, team-wide shoutout when landing a new sale, but we encourage you to take it to the next level by providing incentives that motivate employees and contribute to a positive workplace culture. 

  8. Buy-in from Managers: Ensure that managers are aligned with the company's values and purpose. Provide leadership training to enhance communication and interpersonal skills. Foster a supportive management style that encourages collaboration and empowers employees.

  9. Personal Growth and Development: Support employees in their professional development. Offer training programs, mentorship opportunities, and career advancement paths. Align individual development goals with the organization's objectives to create a sense of purpose.

Remember that employee engagement is an ongoing process, and it requires a commitment from leadership and the entire organization to create a positive and motivating workplace. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your engagement initiatives and make adjustments as needed.

To learn more about bringing a philanthropic bike-building experience to your workplace, contact us here

Wish for Wheels Team

Wish for Wheels transforms the lives of 2nd-grade students in low-income areas, through unique employee engagement team building experiences.


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